East African Community Center (EACC) DBA Kulan Center operates from a philosophy of community. Kulan Center aims to establish and administer programs that will foster a healthy community and to build personal and family wellbeing in the Twin Cities metro area.
For the COVID-19 public health crisis, it is essential for our communities to know where and how to get treatment, testing, and other assistance type to eliminate the negative impact of the pandemic. Additionally, finding community support services and resources such as mental health, counseling, and accurate information on vaccines is crucial at this moment. Thus, Kulan Center is committed to providing community support assistance programs that will help mitigate and eliminate the huge impact of COVID-19 through either joint effort or in partnership with interested stakeholders.
Kulan Center stands to provide job skills training and tools that will promote economic self-sufficiency and create an atmosphere of peer support and mentoring to affected individuals and families.
Additionally, Kulan Center introduces new training solutions that would prepare at-risk youth to develop and gain essential skills and hands-on training to grow and thrive through practical experience. Group collaboration and pairing are used to practice these development strategies.